Re-wear Chair Campaign

Tell us what you think and win one year's worth of laundry capsules


Winner, winner, chicken dinner? Who knows…

"*" indicates required fields

1. Have you seen or heard about Ecover’s “The Best Wash is No Wash” campaign featuring the re-wear chair?*
2. Since seeing the campaign, have you started using a specific chair or another designated space for keeping worn clothes instead of washing them?*
3. Since the campaign, have you noticed a change in how frequently you wash your clothes?*
4. What factors, have motivated or prevented you from washing your clothes less often since the campaign?*
5. Do you feel the campaign helped you better understand the environmental impact of over-washing clothes?*
6. How important is sustainability to you when it comes to your laundry habits?*
7. Did the campaign change how you prioritise this?*
8. Do you find using a re-wear chair (or something similar) to be practical and easy to maintain?*
Details about prize, terms, dates etc...

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